Living by faith

Positive Self-Talk is Good. But this type of self-talk is Best.

Our self-talk or internal dialogue is powerful. Did you know your self-talk can actually lead to your healing? Our self-talk impacts our self-esteem, sense of worth, self-confidence and self-image. It also impacts the way we act and make decisions. I guess what I’m trying to say is that our self-talk affects every area of our lives. For the good or bad. 

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Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day Loneliness Got You down?

In 2020 we have this false notion that we should just BE. Like…voila, I am. Voila, I am a college graduate. Voila, I am married. Voila, I have a healthy and loving relationship with myself. But, that’s not how life works. Especially when it comes to love, even loving ourselves.

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Christian Singles

Christian Singles Striving for Purity in a Sexualized World.

The struggle is real for today’s Christian singles ages 25 and up. Not only are there real financial and emotional struggles, but there are also real sexual purity struggles. Unfortunately, many singles have been told they are still single because they’re in sin or there’s something ‘wrong with them’. How ridiculous! Since when did one’s martial status serve as the standard for purity and perfection? If anything, marriage MAGNIFIES our sin and imperfections!

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You are an inspiration

You are an Inspiration to others. Let me count the ways.

“You’re not inspirational.” Words spoken into my life by a highly respected and influential leader. I’m not gonna lie. Those words caused me to believe I wasn’t good enough to be an effective leader. Because a leader is supposed to be inspirational right?

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