“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” Psalm 138:8 ESV
I’m a mixed girl living in a “one-drop” kinda world. And according to this world, I am the tail and not the head.
I am NOT above, I am beneath.
A crisis such as global health pandemic (or race pandemic) always presents us with a turning point—for better or for worse. And how we EMERGE from crisis depends on how we perceive AND RESPOND to the crisis. The good news is WE GET TO CHOOSE how we PERCEIVE crisis AND RESPOND to it.
Thanks to social conditioning. many people are under the impression that success means wealth, influence, possessions, positional power, and popularity.
Flourishing in its’ simplest definition, means to grow luxuriantly; to thrive and achieve success. But flourishing in life doesn’t happen by choice, it happens by conscious action.