Your Divine Greatness
If you didn’t already know, you were divinely designed in the image of God. You have been divinely equipped with unique gifts, talents, strengths, and abilities to demonstrate God’s love and goodness in the world through good works of service. This makes you FULL of divine GREATNESS!!
Your Divine Gifts
But unfortunately, so many people remain in the dark as to how God has uniquely gifted and equipped them to do great things for His glory. And because they are in the dark, they aren’t able to act on their divine greatness and impact the world in the great way God intends.
As I said in my previous post, the enemy of your soul (Satan) doesn’t want you to discover your divine greatness in Christ. He doesn’t want you to discover your God-given gifts because he’s afraid of the destruction you will bring to his kingdom when you walk in your divine power, anointing and gifts.
If Satan can keep you in the dark concerning your divine greatness, or if he can keep you stuck in life, questing your God-given gifts, greatness, and power, then he can silence you and destroy your divine impact. This keeping others bound in the darkness of depression, discouragement, distress, and despair—without hope or a sense of significance.
Don’t doubt who you are
How do I know this? Because this was my story and the story of so many others I know. I was stuck in life questioning my divine greatness and my doubting caused me to drift aimlessly in life with no real direction or sense of purpose. But I refuse to let the thief steal from me any longer. And I refuse to let him keep YOU in the dark questioning your divine power and purpose in life.
The questioning of your divine design, giftedness, and greatness stops TODAY! No more doubt and disbelief concerning your divine wonder, power, impact!
Because today, I am sharing with you the practical tools God used to help me discover my divine greatness (my divine personality, strengths, and gifts). This insight helped me to get unstuck so I could start taking the action I needed to align my greatness to my vocation. A vocation that was not only personally fulfilling and meaningful but one that would please God and serve other people in need.
Now, I want to add a disclaimer before I start dropping these tools into your ‘greatness’ toolbox. The tools shared below are by no means clinical tools to ‘diagnose’ who you are, what you can do, or who you are destined to become.
No assessment can predict your divine destiny or life outcomes. But you will find some of the tools shared to be grounded in scripture, research, and various theories of personality. Many of these tools are some of the most widely used tools by social psychologists, researchers, ministers, churches, Fortune 500 companies and professional organizations all over the globe.
Please know that I will never recommend tools I have not personally researched, used and benefited from. Many of the assessments I will be sharing with you were discovered in my undergraduate studies in psychology and my graduate studies in human development.
Other tools were discovered in my personal and professional research conducted on various psychologists, psychotherapists and other reputable and credible thought leaders (Christian and secular). If there is any superpower or super ability I’ve gained from all of my years in college (7.5 years to be exact), it’s my ability to do empirical RESEARCH (not google or Wikipedia research) LOL!
The Discovery Tools
The tools I am sharing reflect the accumulation of the knowledge I’ve gained in my:
- vocational ministry career
- academic career
- professional career as a social worker
- relationship educator
- trauma-Informed trainer
- human services professional.
(If you are the type of person who wants to know more about my areas of expertise or academic/professional background, be sure to click
here to view my Linkedin profile).
My WHY for this post is to simply share some of the tools (including the Bible) God used to help me recognize and understand my greatness and power in Him.
Of course, no man-made tool can ‘read’ you 100 percent or even capture the complexity and mystery of your divine design. There are SO many variables that have shaped us into the people we are today such as:
- cultural differences
- varying perspectives, attitudes, world views
- different levels of self-awareness, God-awareness,
- life experiences (good and traumatic)
We are so much more complex than any assessment could every conclude because we are SO much more than a singular story. This is where that ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ part comes in
(Psalm 139:14).
Process results with a friend
And because of all of these ever-changing variables, I strongly urge you to process your assessment reports with those closet to you. They will be able to give you additional insight into the SELF you can’t see. The self you are unintentionally blind to. In other words, all of the personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, tendencies, emotional and behavioral patterns you often are unaware of.
It’s about perspective
But gaining the perspective of those around us concerning our divine design, personality tendencies etc., goes a long way in helping us gain the additional insight we need for understanding how God has uniquely designed us to do good works.
And although it may be hard to hear about our not so desirable traits and tendencies, it’s easier to embrace them when we can learn to depend on God’s strength and abilities to make us strong, powerful and impactful.
When we solicit honest feedback about ourselves from trusted friends and loved ones, we can become more aware of the hang-ups and habits that are holding us back from moving forward in life.
As we become more self-aware concerning what’s holding us back and keeping us stuck in life, we can start making conscious decisions to change and start moving forward.
Personal Discovery Zone
Okay now. Let’s get to it. Here are the tools I used to help me understand my God-given greatness which I define as:
- My God-given personality
- My God-given strengths/talents
- My God-given spiritual gifts
Did you know God has intentionally placed specific gifts, talents, and traits inside of YOU for the purpose of GLOBAL impact? You were created in the image of God and that makes you wonder-FULL, power-FULL and impact-full!
God has created you with EVERYTHING you need to fulfill your God-given purpose! 2 Pt. 1:3 tells us “For His (God’s) divine power has bestowed on us absolutely everything necessary for a dynamic spiritual life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who has called us by His own glory and excellence.”
So walk confidently knowing that you’ve got the greatness goods baby! You’ve got the greatness juice of Jesus working in you to will and to act in ways that will fulfill His good purpose for your life (
Phil. 2:13).
Here are the tools you’ve been waiting for. The tools to help you gain more insight into your divine greatness.
**Please Note: I am not being paid to promote these tools in any way. I am just sharing how they have blessed my life TREMENDOUSLY! So here they are:
Your discovery tool kit:
Explore the beauty and wonder of your personality/divine design. Take these assessments to understand how God has uniquely designed your perfect personality:
• Big Five Personality Test:
• Myers Briggs Type Indicator:
• Enneagram Inventory: (highly recommended)
Discover the wonder and power of your natural strengths/gifts and talents. This tool will help you understand the strengths God has given you to help you do His work:
• CliftonStrengths to discover your top 5 strengths for $19.99
• CliftonStrengths to discover the ranking of all 34 of your strengths for $49.99
- FYI: Knowing the ranking of my 34 strengths has made me aware of what I naturally do well which in turn has helped me discover the type of work that allows me to be my best self and do my best work every day.
Uncover the wonder and power of your spiritual gifts as outlined in Rom. 12:6-8, 1 Cor. 12:8-10, 28, Eph. 4:11 and 1 Pt. 4:11, these tools will help you understand the spiritual gifts He has equipped you with to do good works of service in the world:
• Spiritual Gifts Online Test to discover your spiritual gifts as outlined in
• LifeWay Spiritual Gifts pdf document:
• S.H.A.P.E. Profile to explore how God has shaped you for service/ministry to others:
Personal Reflection Zone
As you complete these various assessments listed above, I strongly encourage you to use the personal reflection guide I’ve provided below to help you understand your divine greatness at another level.
Just click on the download button below to access your greatness reflection guide. This guide will help you to process your assessments and gain insight into how God may want to use your divine greatness to fulfill His great purpose for your life.
These are the questions I used to gain more insight into my divine greatness. I believe these questions will help you gain the additional insight you need for discovering how God has divinely equipped you to make a significant impact in the world.
Processing your divine design
And if you haven’t already noticed, to gain this insight, you will have to set aside time to process your divine design internally, with trusted others, and with God. I’m not gonna lie. This is gonna require you to do some inner work. But it’ll be well worth it.
As I conclude this post, walk confidently knowing you’ve got the DNA of the only true God, living and moving inside of YOU! And as you remain in Christ, you will bear much fruit and do extraordinary things that will impact the world in extraordinary ways.
Remember, YOU were divinely designed for global impact. So walk in your God-given greatness with God-confidence—knowing you are His GREAT MASTERPIECE– created and chosen to do GREAT works that will impact the world in GREAT ways!!!
One last thing. Can you do please do me a favor and share this with a few friends who could benefit from encouraging messages such as this?
I truly believe that none of us can reach our God-given potential and purpose alone. We need each other on this journey and we need to share with others the tools and resources that are helping us grow and succeed personally and professionally. Hebrews 10:24 tells us to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
Please share on social media
Would you please share this blog on your social media platform in an effort to encourage your friends and family on how to discover their divine greatness? You can even share the following link provided below so they can to begin receiving weekly encouragement, motivation and personal growth resources in their inbox.
Invite to Subscribe
Feel free to text them this link to invite them to join our community of THRIVERS. And just for subscribing, they will receive my
FREE career guide loaded with credible tools for creating a career path that aligns with their God-given purpose.
This career guide has helpful links and reflection questions to help them to discover the type of career that fits their passions, personality, and purpose.
As we combine our efforts in sharing practical resources and tools with others, we can awaken others to their God-given greatness and help them move forward in making their mark in the world.
Coming Up
Lastly, for the next 3 weeks, I’ll be focusing my posts on how we can thrive relationally by strengthening our ‘relational wisdom’ skills.
I’ll be sharing some of the best relationship research and resources on how to thrive in your relationship with yourself, others, and GOD– so you definitely DO NOT want to miss out!! They will surely change your life!!!
Until then, remember you were divinely designed to do great work that pleases God and serves people in great ways!! You were designed with GREATNESS for GREATNESS! See it! Believe it! Receive it!!
For further exploration
If you want to dig deeper into discovering your divine purpose, here are some additional resources I highly recommend:
Download Your Greatness Reflection Worksheet
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