Defining Moments

How defining moments become turning points.

Can I just be real with you? For the past few years, I’ve been stacking on the pounds. Now, the pounds did not accumulate in a short time period. They slowly accumulated over a few years. But when my husband bought us a scale earlier this year, I finally mustered up the courage to weigh myself IN SECRET–and I was devastated.


I could not believe the number I saw. The last time I saw a number like that was when I was pregnant with my son. 11 YEARS AGO!! Weighing myself was a reality check. It was a defining moment for me. Would I allow the truth to propel me into action or would I allow it to propel me into discouragement and depression? I chose the former.
A defining moment is a moment in time where we make a decision. A decision that can change the course of our lives. A decision that can increase our health and happiness or decrease it.


A defining moment is when our very character is revealed. Will we persevere and make the necessary changes and sacrifices to achieve our goals (such as losing weight, getting healthier, getting out of debt, etc.)? Or will we choose to do nothing and stay the same? For me, I refused to continue on the unhealthy path I was on. So I took action and changed my entire lifestyle.


If there’s something I’ve learned about change and achieving goals is they both require DISCIPLINE. And discipline demands CONSISTENCY and SACRIFICE. Goals such as losing weight or writing my first book, ha e required me to sacrifice some things consistently. I’ve had to say NO to certain foods and NO to sitting on my behind. I’ve even had to say NO to things I love such as podcasting in order to focus on my health and book-writing goals.


From a consistency standpoint, I had to commit to writing 500-800 words a day in order to reach my 55k rough draft goal by NOV. 30th. (I’ve currently written 53,386 and by faith, I’ll publish the book next year). When it came to me getting healthier and losing my extra pounds, I had to commit to exercising 4-5x a week and stick to my new whole-food plant-based lifestyle. (I’ve lost 30lbs so far and working to lose more).


All defining moments begin with a decision. And our decisions (when we act on them instead of just talk about them) can become turning points in our lives. So my friend. What will your defining moment is in front of you? What area of your life do you need to commit to changing and improving? Maybe it’s your marriage, your finances, your mental health, or physical health.


You’re only one decision away from changing your life—your legacy, your future, your marriage, your family, your health, and your wealth. What will YOU decide? It’s gonna require disciple (consistency + sacrifice). BUT WITH GOD—YOU GOT THIS! Here’s to maximizing your defining moments so you can change the course of your life for the glory of God!



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