Defining Moments

How defining moments become turning points.

Can I just be real with you? For the past few years, I’ve been stacking on the pounds. Now, the pounds did not accumulate in a short time period. They slowly accumulated over a few years. But when my husband bought us a scale earlier this year, I finally mustered up the courage to weigh myself IN SECRET–and I was devastated.

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The Joy, Benefits and Gift of a GRIT mindset.

The secret to success and outstanding achievement in life isn’t about being a “genius”. It’s about your GRIT or the unique combination of your passion, purpose, and long-term perseverance. According to Dr. Angela Duckworth, the world’s leading expert on grit, GRIT is having PASSION + SUSTAINED PERSEVERANCE when it comes to achieving long-term goals.

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world changer

Created for Greater Impact

In 2020, I believe God wants me to make a greater impact for His kingdom. This deep sense of spiritual mission drives my daily decision making and thinking. I’m always evaluating my life asking “Am I making the impact I was created to make” and “How can I impact more people with my life for the glory of God?

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