Can I just be real with you? For the past few years, I’ve been stacking on the pounds. Now, the pounds did not accumulate in a short time period. They slowly accumulated over a few years. But when my husband bought us a scale earlier this year, I finally mustered up the courage to weigh myself IN SECRET–and I was devastated.
I believe DARING INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP is wholehearted leadership where those we lead, love, and work with feel AND experience dignity, worth, voice, vote, and value for their authentic selves.
I’ve heard it said that diversity is being invited to the party whereas inclusion is being asked to dance. If there was ever a time we needed to be more inclusive in our nation, it is now.
The secret to success and outstanding achievement in life isn’t about being a “genius”. It’s about your GRIT or the unique combination of your passion, purpose, and long-term perseverance. According to Dr. Angela Duckworth, the world’s leading expert on grit, GRIT is having PASSION + SUSTAINED PERSEVERANCE when it comes to achieving long-term goals.
When was the last time you focused your efforts on taking care of yourself? In times of chaos and crisis, it’s easy to push yourself (yet again) to the side in an effort to care for others. But you can’t pour into others from an empty cup. Right?
In 2020, I believe God wants me to make a greater impact for His kingdom. This deep sense of spiritual mission drives my daily decision making and thinking. I’m always evaluating my life asking “Am I making the impact I was created to make” and “How can I impact more people with my life for the glory of God?”
I’m happy to say I achieved most of my goals this year. But I also failed at a few too. All because I failed to create a clear plan of action. And because my actions weren’t planned, systemized, routinized or even verbalized, my goals didn’t materialize.
“If you FAIL TO PLAN, you’re planning to FAIL”~Benjamin Franklin
One of the things I learned late in life is that a life lived without vision leads to a life without direction, passion, purpose or significance.