Comparison is the thief of joy.

Comparison is the thief of joy and self-acceptance.

Comparison. It’s the thief of joy and self-acceptance. It’s a never-ending measuring stick. It deceives you into thinking you’re behind, inadequate, deficient and inferior to someone else. It causes you to overlook your own giftedness and greatness, value and worth. It causes you to focus on what you lack rather then what you have.
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How to reframe life’s disappointments.

Disappointment. Not a feeling or emotional state any of us want to stay stuck in. Since I’ve been reading Lisa Terkerust’s book “It’s not supposed to be this way“, I’ve been THINKING a lot about my own disappointments in life.  And by disappointment, I’m mean a feeling of sadness or loss concerning an outcome that didn’t turn out the way I had expected, anticipated or hoped.

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Feeling Alone

I thought it was just me, but it isn’t.

Shame. A silent epidemic. No one wants to acknowledge it. No one wants to speak of it. I get it. But the reality is we’ve all experienced it. Whether we want to admit it or not. Shame is a hard topic to discuss. But if we keep ignoring it in ourselves or others, we’ll never be able to walk confidently in who God has uniquely created us to be.

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shame resilience

Getting rid of your shame and disgrace.

The Voice of Shame

The voice of shame is cruel, insensitive, demeaning, degrading and destructive. It strips us of hope for a positive future and it poisons our perspective, damages our sense of power and robs us of fulfilling our potential and purpose. Shame deceives us into believing we are inherently bad, unwanted, unlovable, undesirable and unworthy of unconditional love, acceptance, and belonging.

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